Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog



Hello, Fellow Lovers of All Things Green,

Welcome to Mary Stone’s Garden Dilemmas Podcast.

It’s not only about gardens. It’s about nature’s inspiration, grasping the glories of the world around us, gathering what we learn from Mother Nature, and carrying these lessons to the garden of life.

Please subscribe to Garden Dilemmas Podcast on your favorite Mobile Apps. You can find us on, I-Heart Radio Podcasts, Amazon Music, I-Tunes (Apple Podcast), Pandora, and Spotify.

I invite you to email me at if you have suggestions or questions. We have lots to talk about :^)

Thank you for being part of sharing how gardens and nature can help heal and grow our lives, Mary

Enjoy the Companion Story Don’t be a Fig Pig

Link to the Companion Story Overview of The Lesson of theLeaf

Enjoy the Companion Story A Butterfly Garden of Growth

Link to the related story 9-11 Remember, Learn, Grow, and Love

Link to the Companion Story Nighttime Chorus of Garden Insects

Enjoy the Companion Stories Cicadas Sing Back to School and White Flowers in Gardens Glow

Link to the Companion Story Koleen’s Dagnabbit Rabbit Dilemma 

Enjoy the Companion Story Fixing Flopping Limelight Hydrangeas

Link to the companion story Oakleaf Hydrangea for All Seasons 

Enjoy the Companion Story When to Prune Hydrangea, Deer!

Link to the Companion Story Fistfuls of Pinecones Bring Happiness

Enjoy the Companion Story Early Acorn Drop – Lessons of Letting Go

Link to the Related Story Safe Alternatives to Harmful Weed Killers

Link to the Companion Story Clover Lawn Alternative

Enjoy the photos in the companion stories The Gift of a Ginat Umbrella Pine.

Links to the companion stories Revisiting Turtle Island and Natural Slug Remedies 

Enjoy the companion story Lessons from Braiding Sweetgrass.

Link to the companion story Song Sparrow Meets Robin

Enjoy the companion story Holy Moly Rose Remedies

Enjoy the companion story The Irresistible John Cabot Rose

Links to related posts Wonders of Willowwood Arboretum and Wandering Willowwood Arboretum

Enjoy the Companion Story Carpenter Ants and Termites in Mulch

Enjoy the companion story Fixing Funky Fungi in Mulch

Link to the companion story Making Friends with Companion Plants

Enjoy the companion story Benefits of Plantain and Dandelion “Weeds”

Links to the companion stories Jefferson’s Monticello Lab for Plants and Castor Bean Plants Hide Uglies 

Links to the related stories Reasons to Prune and Rejuvenation Pruning & Smokebush.

Enjoy the companion post about Root Pruning and a Journey of Growth.

Links to the related stories Early Spring Transplants and Spring Garden Honey-dos

Link to the companion story Relocating Honeybees – Being Kind

Links to related stories Planning an Alpine Garden and Deer-Resistant Spring Blooming Bulbs

Link to the companion story St. Patrick and the Legend of Clover

Straw Bale Gardening Builds Community and Vegetable Gardening Basics.

Enjoy the Companion Post Anatomy & Array of Beautiful Bark with links to the trees.

Enjoy the Companion Story Meaning of Roses & Valentine Traditions 

Links to the companion stories A Money Tree Brings Abundance and Houseplants in Duress Turn Happy 

Enjoy the related stories A Special Sedum & Succulent Garden and Pallet Garden & AC Screen

Links to the related stories Festive Partridge Berry and Terrariums – a Mini Garden Warmup

Enjoy the Companion Story Sowing the Treasures of Buckeye Seeds 

Link to the Companion Story Berries for Winter Beauty and Wildlife and She’s a Beautyberry

Enjoy the Companion Story Essential Nutrients for Gardens & Life

Link to the Companion Story A Long Winter’s Nap 

Enjoy the Companion stories Legend of Holly & Christmas Trees and Repurposing Christmas Trees 

Link to the Companion Story Honey Locust the Porcupine of Trees 

Enjoy the Companion Story Overwintering Potted Perennials 

Link to the related stories Giving Thanks for Nature’s Gifts  and Winter Decorating with Roadside Finds

Link to the companion story Significance of Veterans Day Poppies

Links to Companion Stories Avis Campbell Gardens Wheel of Life and Doggone Dogwood Disease

Link to the Companion Story Ripening Fall Tomato Hand-me-Downs

Enjoy the Companion Story Shagbark Hickory and Mast Years 

Links to the related stories Inconsistency over Pond vs. Lake and Safe Havens of Vernal Ponds 

Enjoy the companion story Worrisome Beech Leaf Disease 

Link to the related story Saving Snapping Turtles Lifts Spirits 

Enjoy he Companion Story Women & Their Woods with Native Plants. 

Links to related stories: Why Some Trees Remain Evergreen and Fall Needle Drop of Renewal.

Enjoy the companion story A Sunflower Maze Brings Happiness.

Links to the related stories – Late-Season-Bloomers, Is Goldenrod Invasive?, Goldenrod’s Bad Reputation 

Enjoy the companion story Moths and Bats are Beautiful, Too

Link to the related story Keeping Lighting Pollinator-Friendly 

Enjoy the companion story Rescuing Aloe Plants Helps Heal 

Link to the companion story Admiration for Ants & Safe Remedies 

Enjoy the related stories A Magical Blessing Moth and About Bottle Trees 

Link to a companion story, “Wild” Bachelor Buttons 

Links to the companion stories Bottlebrush Buckeyes Hide Tree Knees and Spruce Disease Dilemmas 

Link to the companion stories Deer Dilemmas & Safe Deterrents and Feeding Deer Promotes Disease

Enjoy the companion story Great-Horned Owl meets Hawk

Link to the related story, the Oxymoron of Seedless Watermelon 

Enjoy the companion story Seeds Rooted in Love 

Link to the related column Are Funky Vegetables Organic?

Enjoy the companion story A Seal Pup Surprise 

Links to the related story Let Fawns & Wildlife Be the Gifts of Nature with a story of our family history of plant pilfering.

Links to the related story Flowers & Meaning of Memorial Day

Enjoy the related stories Managing Wisteria, Mending Fences with Forsythia, and Wisteria Reflections on Invasiveness

Links to related stories Value of Virginia Creeper vs. Poison Ivy and Removing Poison Ivy without Chemicals 

Related stories you’ll enjoy Mile-a-Minute Weed Remedies and Dear-Resistant Butterfly Plants 

Link to the related story Rejuvenation Pruning Lifts Hearts

Related stories you’ll enjoy Giving Thanks, and Carpenter Bees are Essential Pollinators 

Link to the related story Spring Unfolding is Happiness 

Enjoy the related stores No-Mow May helps Pollinators and to Lime or Not to Lime Lawns 

Related stories you’ll enjoy A Successional Forest of Growth and Flora and Reflections from Blue Mountain Lake 

Link to the related story Woodcock Dance – Making a Meadow 

Enjoy the related story  Antics of Meadow Wildlife 

Link to the related story Wonders of Witch Hazel

Enjoy the related stories Winter Flowers and Folklore and March Folklore of Hope

Links to related stories Etiquette of Pilfering Rocks and Tripod Rock 

Enjoy the related stories Mending Fences with Forsythia, Forsythia Hedge at Hospice, and Forsythia, not Blooming? 

Link to the related story Colors in Gardens and Our Lives. 

Enjoy the related stories Starting an Organic Garden, Vegetable Gardening Basics, and Starting a No-Till Garden.

Link to the related story Cycles in our Garden of Life 

Enjoy the related stories The Secret Life of Pinecones and Flora & Reflections from Blue Mountain Lake

Link to related stories Snow Geese Teach Acceptance and Swarming Common Grackles 

Enjoy the related story Woodpeckers & Healing Sounds of Nature 

Link to the related story Wisdom in the Rhythm of Water 

Enjoy the associated columns Insights and Interdependence of Trees and Tickle and Rub Mycorrhizae

Enjoy the related story Gentle Strength of Umbrella Pine

Links to the related stories Holiday Decoration Reflections and Ball and Burlap vs. Potted Trees

Enjoy the related story Enduring Hope of Ginkgo Trees 

Link to the related story Winter Season of Growth 

Enjoy the related story, The Fall of the Leaf 

Links to the related stories What’s a Pawpaw Tree? and Planting Pawpaw Seeds.

Enjoy the related stories Bulbs to Extend Spring Blooms and Phil’s Squirell Dilemma 

Links to the related stories Halloween History & Sycamore Ghosts and The Legend of Marigolds in the Day of the Dead.

Enjoy the related story Fall Needle Drop of Renewal

You’ll enjoy the related story Boxwood Dilemmas & Garden Delights

Enjoy the companion stories – Giant Puffball Mushrooms and Fairy Rings 

Link to the companion column Mary Reynolds and Nurturing Nature

Enjoy the related story Designing Garden Layers 

Link to the related column Native Plants for Native Pollinators 

You’ll enjoy the companion story Delights in my Dry Summer Garden

enjoy the related story Beauty & Beast of Roses 

Links to the associated stories Fall Webworms vs. Tent Caterpillars and Rose is a Rose Pest Remedies 

Enjoy the associated column Planting a Steep Woodland Garden

Link to the companion story Origin of Dog Days & Sweating like a Pig

You’ll enjoy the companion stories, the Gift of Meadows & Mountain Mint, and A Walk in the Meadow 

Link to the related story Sharing Garden Blessings with Rosemary

You’ll enjoy the companion story Chipmunk Remedies & Legends

Link to the related story Safely Controlling Japanese Beetles 

Enjoy the companion story Visions of the Red-Shouldered Hawk

Link to the related story Nature’s Magical Landscape of Renewal

You’ll enjoy the companion story Knotweed meets Crown Vetch

  Link to the companion story Treasured Tulip Trees

Link to the related column Watering New Plant Babies

Enjoy the companion stories Memorial Day of Remembrance & Hope, History of Veterans Day Poppies, Meaning of Memorial Day – A Little Hope 

Link to related column Flora & Reflections from Blue Mountain Lake

Links to companion stories Mystery of Mutating Alberta Spruce,  Doublefile Viburnum Angels, and Lesson of the Leaf 

I invite you to the companion story Repurposing Pots & Bags into Benches

Link to the related column Reverting Weeping Cherry

I invite you to visit the related column, Sharing Comfort & Perennials

Link to the related Forsythia Hedge at Hospice

Links to companion columns Easter Pussy Willows and Rooting & Planting Willows Branches

Links to related columns Favorite Plants between Steppingstones and Lotus Effect

I invite you to the related column, Safely Clean Stone Patios  

You’ll enjoy the companion columns Let Lichen & Moss Be, Removing Moss Madness, and Liking Lichen & Moss

Link to the related column Love Gardening – Love Yourself

I invite you to visit the related column, Personal Growth with Houseplants 

Link to the companion column, the Joy of Receiving Cut Flowers 

I invite you to visit the related column, Beloved Beech Trees

Link to the companion column Growing Hope-The Book of Hope

I invite you to visit the related column, Birch Tree’s Strength in Flexibility

Link to the related story A Magical Avocado Tree

Enjoy the companion column Inventorying Gardens and our Lives 

Link to the related column about the Coretta Scott King Forest 

You’ll enjoy the companion column Sprouting Avocado Seeds in Water

Link to the companion column Plants Inspire -Turning over a New Leaf

I invite you to visit the related column Merry Season of Love over Fear

Links to the related columns Sow Good Services and Lessons from Woman with Flower.

You’ll enjoy the related columns “Leaf Therapy” fills Emptiness and Native Plants, especially Oaks, are Essential

Links to the related columns – Forest Bathing and Wandering Willowwood Arboretum

I invite you to visit the associated columns: Growing HOT Peppers into Cool JellyBrood-X Cicada 2021 Recap, and What are Worm Castings? 

Link to related columns: Fruits & Veggies near Black Walnut, Juglone Companions Plants, and Fascinating Anomaly of Fasciation

I invite you to visit the related columns Do Cave Crickets Benefit the Garden? and Mayapple of my Eye

You’ll enjoy the related columns Attracting Toads to your Garden, Frog Watch USA, and Healing in the Garden of Life

Click through to the related columns Reasons to Prune, Castor Bean Plants Hide Uglies, and Beneficial Ladybugs

Enjoy the related columns Three Sisters Gardening & Jolee’s Emergency and No-Till Gardening and Starting a No-till Garden

I invite you to visit the associated columns Skunk Cabbage Appeal and Rhubarb Edible vs. Ornamental.

I invite you to visit the related columns March Folklore of Hope, Planting Following Nature, and Counting Mississippi Grounding.

Links to related columns Baobab Tree of Life and Helping River’s Edge Horse Rescue

You’ll enjoy the related columns Better than Twenty-Twenty and Foxes in the Garden

I invite you to visit the corresponding columns History & Legend of Poinsettias and Poinsettia Varieties

Click through to the related columns titled What’s in Store? Lessons from Frosty and Thanks for Giving Thanks

I invite you to read the associated columns Spruce Disease Dilemmas and A Forest Pansy Redbud of Hope

I invite you to read the full story about my Unexpected Furry Messenger and Father John’s Animal House Memorial Garden

Click through to the correlating columns Turtle Island and Ugly Slug Remedies

I invite you to visit the related columns titled Queen Anne’s Lace Anomaly, “Wild” Bachelor Buttons, and Weeding Mugwort – Picking up Litter

Click through to the related column Hospice Butterfly Release

I invite you to visit the associated columns One World / Memorial Day and  Robins of Renewal in the Garden

Click through to related columns: Litter of Tree Tips, History & Meaning of Mother’s Day, and Shopping for Annuals

Click through to related columns of this episode, click through to Easter Wisdom from Mettler’s Woods, and Easter Blessings

I invite you to click through to the related column, Lesson of the Leaf

Links to related columns Garden Magic and Magnificent Moss

I invite you to visit the associated columns  The Magic of Seeds and We’re All Just Seeds

I invite you to visit the related columns: Patridge BerryBeaver, or Woodchuck? And Groundhog or Woodchuck Dilemma?

I invite you to visit the corresponding columns Clearing Space, About Bottle Trees, and Christmas Reflections from Texas

Links to related columns Decorating with Leave Behinds, Blackberry Lily & Soil Remediation, and Sharing Thanks & Late Fall To-dos 

I invite you to visit the related columns  Swarming Common Grackles, Why Critters Cross the Road and Thanksgiving Blessings

I invite you to visit the associated columns Chasing Rainbows & Leaves and Why Leaves Change Color 101

I invite you to visit the related columns – Burl Marx – NY Botanical Gardens and Vitamin Packed Leaf Confetti

I invite you to visit the associated columns Sweet Autumn Clematis and Rainwater (& Snow) Harvesting

I invite you to visit the corresponding columns Cicadas Sing ‘Back to School’ and Gardens Glow

I invite you to visit the related columns Clover Lawn Alternative and The Bird & Bees of Zucchini Flowers

I invite you to visit the associated columns, The Legend of Marigolds and About Mary Stone