Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog
groundhog in a partially snowy yard

Groundhog Day- Ancient Origin and Accuracy

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. The ancient origin of Groundhog Day dates back thousands of years, and while its success in predicting winter’s end is marginally accurate, it’s a fun tradition that celebrates nature. At about 7:25 a.m. this morning, Punxsutawney
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Benefits and Folklore of Dragonflies

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Dragonflies are fascinating creatures with an unusual lifecycle and folklore to match. Plus, they benefit our gardens by controlling pests—a perfect unfolding. A few weeks ago, I shared a story about the Preservation of the Paulinskill River a
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The Magnificent Legend of Marigolds

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Last week, I shared A Butterfly Garden of Growth and added suggestions for annual lovelies to enhance the environment and provide food for our beloved butterflies. Marigolds are one of them, a plant I once was weary of. Learning the magnificen
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Mary Stone, Garden Dilemmas, Ask Mary Stone,Gardening tips, Garden Blogs, Stone Associates Landscape Design, Garden Blog, Cicada

Cicadas Sing Back to School

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. In recent weeks, while recording the podcast, I’ve apologetically mentioned the ruckus of cicadas in the trees. The sounds remind me of a cicada encounter during a garden installation and a reminiscence of how the late summer sounds of c
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a brown box turtle walking in grass

Revisiting Turtle Island

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green; I came across two snapping turtles swimming near shore at Catfish Pond in Blairstown, NJ. Turtles have always fascinated me, but more so since my soulful twin brother passed away. Bill felt a strong connection to turtles, marveling over their
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Happt St. Patricks Day Clover in white pots.

St. Patrick and the Legend of Clover

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, The fascinating history of St. Patrick leads to the legend of shamrocks featured in the holiday. Plus, the folklore of the four-leaf clover. While shopping in a nearby grocery I came upon cute little shamrocks on display for St. Patrick’
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Mary Stone, Garden Dilemmas, Ask Mary Stone,Gardening tips, Garden Blogs, Stone Associates Landscape Design, Garden Blog, Mary Stone, what rose colors mean, valentines tips

Meaning of Roses & Valentine’s Traditions

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, Do you recall Valentine’s Day traditions as a kid having to bring cards to school? It was an assignment. An obligation. One for each classmate. Cards came in assortment packs and while the sayings were mostly about friendliness, which is
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A money tree in a kitchen almost to the top of a window.

A Money Tree Brings Abundance

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, Ruth and Jim, dear friends in Hope, NJ, asked that I water their houseplants while they are away. Their magnificent Money Tree reminds me of one I met a decade ago, along with its plant parent, which turned out to be life-changing. I met Diana
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Legend of Holly & Christmas Trees

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, In search of a special Christmas card, I found one that intrigued me. “The Legend of the Christmas Tree,” is the headline, with an artist rendering of a man on a horse pulling an evergreen towards a log cabin in the woods. The Lege
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beige moth with a black cross on its back called a Clymene moth

A Magical Blessing Moth

Hello fellow readers; I just returned from Lago Vista, Texas, to be by the side of Gene, a dear friend, as he graduated from this earth. He is the life partner of Elsa, whom we’ve spoken about in a previous story titled, Fall is not Goodbye (link below). They’ve been famil
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