Hello fellow readers, Is it a beaver or woodchuck eating Lucia’s trees? You’ll enjoy the story :^) “Help! A woodchuck is eating my trees,” writes Lucia, “and he’s moved in right near my front door where there’s a deep hole about a foot in diameter.
Hello fellow readers, I think you’ll enjoy this little ditty of home remedies to garden dilemmas that reintroduced me to Neem Oil – the old tried and true I call my “duct tape” for the garden. Home Remedies Last week we spoke about aphids and a remedy using dis
Hello, fellow readers. My friend Michele of Sparta, NJ, asked how to keep aphids off her newly adopted Knock Out Rose. Knock Out Roses have become a go-to in the garden as they require relatively little care and flower prolifically. They push the old blooms out when a new bud forms, e
Hello fellow readers, I had the privilege of meeting with Josh of Stillwater, who adopted Skippy and Jay Jay in March at five weeks old, weighing 15 pounds each. His “Kids,” the actual name for baby goats, are Toggenburg goats named after the Toggenburg valley in Switzerla
This morning during an Ellie walk I came across Mom and her ducklings tucked away in a small pond in front of a farm house. My attention went to them when willy-nilly Mom made a ruckus lunging towards us as her babies swam to take cover under a shrub nearby. I wish I could have lin
Hello fellow readers; a beautiful assortment of plants can serve as transition shrubs from the lawn to woodland that can help hide unsightly views. Weeds are misplaced plants. Diane of Knowlton asked for tips to “tame her jungle,” which sounds like weeds could be her dilem
Hello fellow readers, To prune or not to prune, that is the question from Mary of Blairstown (that would be me) and oodles of others who are perplexed and annoyed by the devastating damage from the harsh winter. Plants that normally would be well on their way to showing signs of promi