Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog
Black and white photo of a smiling golden retriever in front of a boulder

Unexpected Furry Messenger

Hello Fellow Readers, As you know, Miss Ellie Mae is the mascot for our column since we began our weekly chats over eight years ago. With a heavy heart, I share the news that we helped her go home on Tuesday. She arrived unexpectedly eleven years ago during a tough time of transition.
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two woman opening a wood and screen cage with monarch butterflies

Hospice Butterfly Release

Hello Fellow Readers, What a privilege to participate in a Butterfly Release Celebration hosted by Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice. It’s their 20th year of the celebration and the 40th year of serving our community. Previously they’ve held the event live in the counties they ser
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robin in nest

Robins of Renewal in the Garden

Hello Fellow Readers, The American robin is considered a sign of renewal adored in the garden. Though migratory birds, you can create a garden to keep them in your yard year-round— if I may share a story of my family of robins. On Sunday, after “first call” with Miss Ellie
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The Magic of Seeds

Hello Fellow Readers, The other day I read a children's book that came up when I searched for A Promise is a Promise in the nifty library database. I don't recall why I searched the title. Certainly not for a children's book, though I enjoy reading them from time to time, maybe to fee
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Chasing Rainbows & Leaves

Hello Fellow Readers, Last week during a road walk with Miss Ellie, I admired waves of golden leaves showing their glory. Yes, many had dropped to the ground brown before they ever had a chance to change color. But they are beautiful too. Like the fields of corn that have turned tawny
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Fall is not Goodbye

Hello Fellow Readers, There’s a fall-ish feeling in the air, and today it’s official. September 23rd is when the sun will pass directly above the equator as it crosses from north to south marking the autumnal equinox. Soon leaves will change color and drop to the ground, w
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Living Green Roofs

Hello Fellow Readers, I’ve just returned from the HippoCamp writer’s conference held in downtown Lancaster, PA, hosted by Hippocampus Magazine. The genre of the magazine, named after the part of the brain (hippocampus) that manages learning, emotions, and new memories, is creative non
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Mary Stone, Garden Dilemmas, Ask Mary Stone,Gardening tips, Garden Blogs, Stone Associates Landscape Design, Garden Blog,Northern New Jersey Landscape Designer, NJ Garden Coach and Speaker, Festival Hill, Madalene Hill

Christmas Reflections from Texas

Hello Fellow Readers, One of the greatest gifts of Christmas is spending time with loved ones. I’ve just returned from visiting lifelong friends that live outside of Austin. The first stop was Round Top Texas, where Dorothy from my college days lives. She’s an artist with a gall
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a turkey puppet on a Norway Spruce in the snow

Giving Thanks

Hello fellow readers, Last week, I crumbled under the stress of racing to meet deadlines. It felt paralyzing with classic symptoms of anxiety, a tight chest, and labored breathing. It’s a good thing I’m in good shape, I thought to myself, so my heart can ride the race. I also thought
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Mary Stone, Garden Dilemmas, Ask Mary Stone,Gardening tips, Garden Blogs, Stone Associates Landscape Design, Garden Blog, Virginia Beach Sunrise

Reflections from Virginia Beach

Hello fellow readers, I recently returned from a respite in Virginia Beach. What a treat to enjoy summer weather and sunshine especially given our summer of wetness. Half a watermelon in plastic wrap was in the fridge, which I didn’t think would still be viable. But it was. When
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