Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Bonnie of Stillwater, NJ, has a Burning Bush planted by her parents, who once lived in the home. She is attached to it and continues to prune it to keep it from rising above her bay window, which may help prevent its invasiveness. But I sugges
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, Hydrangeas blooms have been bountiful this year in the Northeast due to the mild and wet winter without the normal cycle of freezing and thawing that damages buds. Mine are so heavily laden that they are flopping, blocking access to the front
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Last week, we spoke about Early Acorn Drop – Lessons of Letting Go. Acorns aren’t the only thing that seems to be dropping early. During a walk on Sunday on the Paulinskill Rail Trail, I meandered further and landed at our local airport.
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, An entertaining exchange about the probable causes of an abundance of acorns dropping early leads to lessons in letting go, thanks to Chris from Blairstown, NJ, who asked if I ever saw acorns fall this early. “Our trees in the back start
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. I have a long-standing client who considered using Roundup to tend to the weeds in walkway. Instead, I provided safe alternatives to harmful weed killers. But the best part is sharing life stories. A few years back, I dug in with Andrew of Spa
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Recently, I designed a low-maintenance garden filled with perennials, shrubs, and trees for year-round interest in Bergen County, NJ, not far from New York City. Around it, we planted a pollinator-friendly lawn alternative: a combination of No
Hello, lovers of all things green. Our public gardens are a sure way to get a garden and nature “fix” with no cost of admission. Bruce Crawford, Morris County Park Commission’s Manager of Horticulture, invited me to tour the Frelinghuysen Arboretum in Morristown, NJ.
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green; I came across two snapping turtles swimming near shore at Catfish Pond in Blairstown, NJ. Turtles have always fascinated me, but more so since my soulful twin brother passed away. Bill felt a strong connection to turtles, marveling over their
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Humid and rainy summers provide a perfect setting for slugs, always a top garden dilemma. Thankfully, there are natural slug remedies, though some may be a tad icky. “What are the holes all over my hosta?” Holy moly, Dave, I’
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, I’ve been listening to Robin Wall Kimmerer, the author of Braiding Sweetgrass, read her extraordinary book. Her voice brings her lyrical, expressive words to life as beautifully as they are written – singing like the songs of nature. Dr