Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog
A pot of Frozen in Time African Violets next to a small brass watering can on a windowsill.

Caring for African Violets

Originally published on December 17, 2015, when my dear Mom was in a nursing home.  Hello, fellow readers, “You can’t water their faces,” recalls brother Rick, one of Mom’s instructions on caring for African violets, as water on their leaves can cause spotting
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Benefits and Folklore of Dragonflies

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Dragonflies are fascinating creatures with an unusual lifecycle and folklore to match. Plus, they benefit our gardens by controlling pests—a perfect unfolding. A few weeks ago, I shared a story about the Preservation of the Paulinskill River a
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A closeup of Paperwhite Flowers in front of a black background

Paperwhites in Water Like to Party

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, It’s starting already—gardening withdrawals. Margaret of Washington, NJ, asked how to force Paperwhite bulbs, reminding me of a simple winter withdrawal remedy that makes an excellent pick-me-up. It’s as easy as putting the Narciss
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Mary Stone in a yellow jacket with Jolee in front of Ellie's memorial holly.

Merry Season of Memories

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Last week’s surprise snow was lovely to wake up to, inspiring outdoor decorating. While doing so, I thought about Christmas memories and created a new season of memories in the galivant. Miss Ellie had learned to flail her tail by the do
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a pile of whilte six-foot long tubes along the Paulinskill Rail Trail

Preservation of the Paulinskill River

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Over the weekend, we stumbled upon a stack of plastic tubing while walking the Paulinskill Rail Trail. I was delighted to see the tubes, as the trees they were protecting looked like they had outgrown them. This inspired revisiting when I firs
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red rose shrub in front of golden dry grasses along Virginia Beach

Thanksgiving Gardens along Virginia Beach

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. As I write, I am overlooking the ocean, enjoying a respite before heading to my sister’s home near Richmond. It’s a treat to spend cherished time with family on Thanksgiving, and I hope you will, too. To my delight, the Thanksgivin
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a collection of a late season harvest of ten, six-inch zucchinis and six green peppers on a countertop.

An Honorable Harvest

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, Our warm weather anomaly quickly turned into the first hard frost, inspiring the last of the fall harvest. An honorable harvest. A grateful harvest of the gifts from the garden of life. Having had only one zucchini this growing season, despite
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a brown Carolina mantis on a stem.

Praying Mantises Beneficial or Bad

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Lora asked how to determine whether the praying mantis egg sac in her yard was native or non-native. She’s concerned because she raises monarch and painted lady butterflies and a few toads she wishes to protect. The comment came after I
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Virginia Beach Sunrise with a silhouette of Mary Stone and her golden retriever Miss Ellie Mae.

Pushing Hands of Peace

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, Previously, I shared coming upon an arrowhead in Cape May and the importance of leaving artifacts where they are, including the sculptures and books depicting American history. Indeed, while there are shameful times, we can learn and grow from
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the silvery underside of a Silver maple Leaf

Silver Maple, a Native American Treasure

Hello, fellow lovers of all things green. Silver Maple, once a Native American treasure, has lost favor in the horticultural industry. Still, I adore its history and marvel over how Mother Nature matched one treasure with another to make a revered tree that is now a trade staple. Silv
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