Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog
Stop Garden Volcanoes Mary Stone Garden Dilemmas

Proper Planting & Mulching

Hello fellow readers, One hundred columns ago, we began out garden chat. It’s far more than about digging in the dirt. Gardens relate to all that grows in this garden of life. So for column 101, it seems fitting to reflect on our very first topic; Proper Planting & Mulching.
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Salt Impact on Plants (& Remedies)

Hello fellow readers, This is getting silly – another 15 inches of snow followed by an icy wintery mix! John from Blairstown stopped while I was walking Ellie during the latest one-two punch and said, “You get an A for effort!”  Thanks, John, I like to think of myself as an achi
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Vertical Veggie Gardening

Hello fellow readers, Oh, goodie! Garden catalogs are here to tease our fancy and tickle our toes. Not sure what toes have to do with it, but it sounds exciting. And it is! John from Hope asked whether to grow veggies in those newfangled vertical garden “systems” and bags.
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Blairstown Village Green Install Time

Hello fellow readers, About a year ago we shared the Design Process as it related to the Blairstown Village Green (aka Pocket Park) planned for where the old Community Center once stood.  Gina Trish led the charge and Patti Doell, President of the North Warren Garden Club and owner of
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