A while back, I enjoyed a pre-spring theatre outing with my design colleague and dear friend, Marty Carson. Our jaunt allowed me to brain-pick her favorite summer flowering bulbs to plant in the spring. How fun to learn that one of her favorites is technically a corm.
Hello, fellow lovers of all things green, It’s starting already—gardening withdrawals. Margaret of Washington, NJ, asked how to force Paperwhite bulbs, reminding me of a simple winter withdrawal remedy that makes an excellent pick-me-up. It’s as easy as putting the Narciss
Hello fellow readers, It’s an ideal time to plant spring flowering bulbs, so don’t put away the gardening gear just yet. I adore sharing a deer-resistant lineup to extend the bloom, suggested by my friend and design colleague, Marty of Three Seasons, who touts, “You can get three to f
Hello, fellow readers, I adore the gift of amaryllis already in bud received on Thanksgiving. Watching the alien-looking beefy blooms open, badly bending the stem, makes me wonder if amaryllis like to party like paperwhites. No kidding. A continuous drink of alcohol keeps paperwhites
Some of the most beautiful bulbs you plant in the spring are like flowering pets such as freesia, dahlias, and most gladiolas. Then there are care-free hummingbird magnets such as crocosmia.
Hello Fellow Readers, Rather than chasing sales or resolutions, why not share gifts towards next year’s growth. As I write, it’s the day after Thanksgiving, coined Black Friday; hyped in the media earlier each year with “Shop Black Friday Deals Early” plastered everywhere start
Hello fellow readers, It’s starting already—gardening withdrawals. Margaret of Washington asked how to force Paperwhite bulbs which reminds me of a simple winter withdrawal remedy that makes a wonderful Christmas gift. It’s as easy as putting the Narcissus papyraceus bulbs