Garden Dilemmas, Delights & Discoveries, Ask Mary Stone, New Jersey Garden blog
Composting, Composting Leaves, Leaf Mold, Garden Dilemmas Ask Mary Stone, garden tips, gardening blog

Opening up a Can of Worms

Hello fellow readers, I think I’ve opened a can of worms; about composting that is. We’ve talked about using leaves in our gardens but Jennifer of Hackettstown shared that hers never seem to break down. If you shred your leaves and add extra nitrogen, they’ll compost more quickl
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Composting Leaves, Leaf Mold, using fallen leaves in the garden, Garden Dilemmas Ask Mary Stone, garden tips, gardening tips

Vitamin Packed Leaf Confetti

Hello fellow readers, Last week’s chat about how leaves change color inspired several to ask what to do once they litter the ground. First, consider them as free vitamin supplements, not litter, as they are packed with nutrients that trees absorb from our good earth. John from H
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Seiryu Japanese Maple ,Acer palmatum 'Seiryu', Garden Dilemmas, Ask Mary Stone, Gardening tips, Garden Blogs

Why leaves change color 101

Hello, fellow readers, I’ll bet Bridget of Forks Township is not the only one who wants to know what influences the glorious colors of fall. We all know it has to do with cooler temperatures and shorter days, but why do some trees turn red while others stay orange and yellow? Du
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Hickory Tussock caterpillars , Lophocampa caryae, Garden Dilemmas Ask Mary Stone, Garden Tips

Cute Creepy Crawlers

Hello Fellow Readers, Seems we’re crowded with cute creepy crawlers, caterpillars that is. I have an affinity for the woollybear caterpillars because of the folklore about winter predictions; the wider the brown middle band, the milder the winter, so it is said. In fact I love photogr
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The Empress

Hello Fellow Readers, I visited William and Sarah of Bangor and admired a tree that I had never seen. They called it a Paulownia Tree (pronounced Pa-loan-i-a); Paulownia tomentosa is the Botanical name and is native to China. It’s also known as Princess or Empress Tree and I can see w
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Garden Dilemmas Ask Mary Stone, Bulb choices to extend the bloom, Garden Tips

Extend the Bloom Bulb Choices

Hello Fellow Readers, Stephanie from Denville NJ wrote ‘I’m so excited! I ordered a bunch of daffodil bulbs but it looks like they won’t ship until late October.’ That’s right Stephanie, you don’t want to plant bulbs too early as it can lead to fungus or disease problems. Ideall
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Fall Hunting & Gathering

Hello Fellow Readers, A few weeks ago we spoke about fall tasks and one is to take advantage of the great season to plant. What should he plant asked Harry from Hardwick. By and large anything that’s available and fits into your landscape plan and cultural environment – wi
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Succulents, Garden dilemmas Ask Mary Stone, Garden tips, Gardening tips, Plant wedding favors

Succulent Care & Feeding

Hello Fellow Readers, I had the privilege of helping Holly and Joao of Montclair with plant decorations to also serve as gifts for attendees of their upcoming nuptials. While chatting with Patti of Little Big Farm here in Blairstown she suggested succulents. They’re very trendy, easy
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Fall To-do’s

Hello Fellow Readers, A faithful Blairstown reader, dear friend, and fellow fan of Bottlebrush Buckeye (Aesculous parviflora) suggested I write about what to do in the garden each time of year. Roger Roger here goes. You’ve likely noticed the squirrels and other critters are foraging
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A green cherry tomato with a bite out of it on a stone patio.

Avoid Tomato Carnage-Ripen Indoors!

Hello fellow readers, On August 7th, I proudly announced Happy First Tomato! Excited chipmunks didn’t get the first bite, the fate of all my tomato attempts in years past. I displayed my single bounty for a few days on the windowsill before I indulged in its fantastic flavor (pl
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